AI Explainability 360 - Demo

  • Data
  • Consumer
  • Explanation

A Loan Officer wants to understand:

Why is the model recommending this person’s credit be approved or denied?
How can I inform my decision to accept or reject a line of credit by looking at similar individuals?

Using Similar Examples to Inform a Loan Decision

A Loan Officer typically makes the final decision when accepting or rejecting a customer’s loan request. When using a predictive model, a Loan Officer wants to understand how and why the model came to that prediction in order to make an informed and trusted decision. One algorithm within AI Explainability 360—ProtoDash—works with an existing predictive model to show how the customer compares to others who have similar profiles and had similar repayment records to the model's prediction for the current customer, which helps to evaluate and predict the applicant’s risk. Based on the model’s prediction and the explanation for how it came to that recommendation, the Loan Officer can make a more informed decision.

Select a customer the Loan Officer wants to understand